Critical Mystic: Full Moon in Virgo
Pisces, without Virgo, risks idealism, delusion, and self-sacrifice. So many have been cheated into following gurus, teachers, and cults, that promise salvation but turn out to be frauds. Religions and cults have long abused the energy of Pisces, by convincing us that our critical faculties interfere with our spiritual lives. We ought to trust, have faith, believe, and not question. And then we are ripe for abuse by power hungry, manipulative leaders…
Read MoreBlack Sheep: Full Moon in Aquarius
This Full Moon in Aquarius is the third lunation in a row with the Sun conjunct Venus. The lessons in love are not over. Mars, Mercury, and Juno are all also in Leo, bringing the heat and upping the fun factor. With the Moon opposite all that in Aquarius, we’re called to investigate the relationship between Leo and Aquarius.
Read MoreFierce Harmony: Aries Full Moon
The Aries Full Moon (13 degrees Aries) falls on Thursday October 5th at 11:40am PST. With the Sun and Mercury in Libra, this lunation in Aries charges the polarity point, bringing balance. Libra’s focus is on the other, Aries’ focus is on the self--neither is complete. Together, they represent relationship, the self-other dynamic, balancing the needs and desires of the other with the needs and desires of the self. This polarity also reminds us that we understand the self through the other, and we understand the other through the self.
Read MoreWild Nights: Full Moon in Scorpio
The Full Moon in Scorpio at 2:43pm PST on Wednesday May 10th brings light to themes around material and emotional security, the body, sensuality, sexuality, money, power, possession/ownership, and indulgence. Scorpio is the most powerful and intense sign, and tends to bury its immense emotional charge deep underground. This Full Moon may bring an upwelling of emotions that have been repressed. As always, take the opportunity for release and integration.
Read MoreConflict Will Make or Break Your Relationships: Full Moon in Virgo
There are no relationships without conflict, and no two people see the world in the same way. In the next few weeks, it’s likely that tensions in relationships will surface. But with so much energy in compassionate Pisces, there’s support for working through our differences, and for getting outside of our individual perspectives to understand where others are coming from.
Read MoreAll the Feelings: Full Moon in Cancer
The Full Moon in Cancer (Thursday, January 12th, 3:34am PST) is sure to bring up some emotions and sensitivity. Cancer rules the home and nurturance, as well as how our psyches were structured in early childhood.
Read MoreSeeing in the Dark: a Meditation on These Times (Full Moon in Taurus)
At this Full Moon, we are stretched between the depths and intensity of Scorpio, and the stability and calm of Taurus. How do we find balance in a world torn by hatred and violence?
Read MoreOur Pain, Our Genius: Full Moon in Aries
The Full Moon in Aries on Saturday October 15th brings into focus the balancing act between self and other, assertion and diplomacy, keeping the peace and saying what needs to be said. The Full Moon is conjunct Uranus and Eris, signalling the potential for shock, surprise, insight, and inspiration.
Read MoreStand in Your Truth: Full Moon in Sagittarius
We are approaching a potentially intense Full Moon at 1 degree Sagittarius on Saturday May 21st at 2:15pm PST. The Moon will be conjunct Mars, and the Sun will be conjunct Venus. Full Moons always involve tension and polarity, but with Mars and Venus in the mix, the tension is doubled...
Read MoreArt by Nathan Goldsmith
Full Moon in Gemini and Saturn Square Neptune: Where Dream and Reality Meet
We are approaching a Full Moon in Gemini on Wednesday November 25th (2:44pm PST). While Gemini is generally light and playful, this Full Moon also triggers the Saturn-Neptune square, an intense, long-term aspect that offers both challenges and opportunities. This aspect has been building for the past year, and goes exact for the first of three times this Thursday. It will be exact again next June, and next September, and its influence will continue to be felt throughout 2017. The Full Moon is also conjunct Mercury, ruler of the mind, meaning we may gain insight into the meaning of this long-term aspect between Neptune and Saturn.
Read MoreThe Dream--Rousseau
Dream Analysis: Full Moon in Pisces, August 29th
This Pisces Full Moon (11:35am PST/2:35pm EST, Saturday August 29th) is charged by its alignment with Jupiter and Neptune, drawing out our emotions, sensitivities, dreams, and delusions. We may feel torn between the practicality of daily life, our do-lists, and calendar on the one hand, and our desire for union, escape, spirituality, and retreat on the other.
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