New Moon in Sagittarius: What Now?

Uranus the trickster, activated this December by an opposition to Jupiter, has been playing its games, inciting change at any cost. Uranus is the revolutionary, the activist, the firecracker, the terrorist, the fool. Trump has Uranus conjunct his sun. But we all have access to this energy of change, especially now. And we all have power (Jupiter square Pluto), especially together (Jupiter in Libra).

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Lead Into Gold: New Moon in Scorpio

When in the North the leaves turn colour then fall, how can we but think of death? Scorpio knows death is no ending, but a transformation from one state to another. The Scorpio New Moon (exact at 10:38am PST, 6:38pm UK on October 30th) falls a day before Samhain, the halfway point between Summer and Winter, the liminal moment between life and death when the veil between worlds thins, and our ancestors are near.

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Seeking Balance in Times of Change: Fall Equinox and Mercury Direct

This week continues to see some potentially destabilizing energies: in addition to the ongoing influence of this month’s eclipses, we have Uranus conjunct Eris, and both Pluto and Mercury stationing direct. Luckily, there is also some harmonizing and balancing energies with the Fall Equinox, a trine between Mercury and Pluto, and the Sun’s shift into Libra.

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