While Eros eventually evolved into Cupid, the cute god responsible for inspiring love and romance, in the earlier mythologies of ancient Greece, Eros was one of the primordial Gods. Alongside Chaos, the original void from which all else emerges; Nix (Night); and Tartarus, (The Abyss); Eros was imagined as one of the original elements responsible for the birth of all else in existence, a non-gendered, procreative force spurring the creativity of the cosmos itself.
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We are at a turning point in history, a juncture where many different possible futures open up for us. No longer is our future a more or less linear outcome of the past. All of the political, social, technological, and economic structures on Earth are being completely transformed. A whole new order is emerging that will shape the next chapter of humanity. Even our minds and worldviews are transforming.