Together: Winter Solstice + Full Moon in Cancer

The Sun enters Capricorn on Friday, marking the winter solstice. Saturday morning is the Cancer Full Moon at 0 degrees (49 minutes) at 9:49am PST. On the day of the solstice, Venus is trine Neptune, and Mercury is conjunct Jupiter, approaching a square to Neptune. These days may be the sweetest of the holiday season: dreamy, creative, tender, hopeful.

Even though we’re on the other side of a long retrograde season, there still may be some confusion in the air, with Mercury and Jupiter approaching a square to Neptune. Use this time to feel the contours of your dream. You may not be ready to commit to anything concrete, but Capricorn season will help us with that.

As I write this, as the Sun sits at the precipice of Sag, just about to tip into Capricorn, I seek for what is beyond, or beneath, or through my pain and confusion--to that sometimes subtle spark, that inner fire that Sagittarius signifies. Under the wringing of hands there is a hope.

Go inside. Connect to Self, soul, daimon, however you say it. Without that inner connection, everything else is empty. Pleasure is nice but won’t save us. Relationships are life but are only as deep as your connection within, in the dark.

Darkness is rich and fertile. It’s there, in the dark that we’ll find our fire, we’ll see more clearly, we’ll find our vision. And once the Sun moves on, Mercury and Jupiter will carry that Sagittarian flame. And the vision is nurtured by Cancer, by the light of the moon, by our tending and our care, and by those we’ve chosen to build our lives with. And the vision is made real by Capricorn, master of Earth realm. The one who builds from the ground up, from dream to reality.

Saturn and Pluto are holding court in Capricorn: we have some work to do, if we wish to use this time well. Saturn and Pluto are only malefic when we shirk the duty to hone that energy within us, when we give it all to our enemies.

As the pressure mounts, as Saturn approaches Pluto over the course of the next year, our choice is: identify as victim, or grow up. It may sound harsh, but Capricorn can be. It wants us, individually and collectively, to mature, and we all know, growing comes with pains.

The Cancer Full Moon balances the gruffness with care, and we need both. As we seek to integrate the Cancer and Capricorn energies, we become mother to ourselves, father to ourselves, we learn to give ourselves the care and attention and guidance and structure we need to be the mature adults we’ll have to be to move forward in this inflamed world.

Collectively, this energy calls on us to organize together to better care for each other, to solve our own problems, to take the future into our own hands. To take responsibility for our own lives, and for our communities. It’s clear no government was ever going to save us. But we are entirely capable of doing it ourselves.

So let’s gather together, loved ones. Let’s honour the darkness within, from where our vision grows, and let’s celebrate the return of the Sun, the lengthening of the days. More and more I feel like community is everything. How will we overcome? There is only one way. Together.

~~ So many ways to gather in the New Year! See my upcoming events. ~~