This Scorpio Full Moon digs into the heart of what we’re FEELING with regards to the Taurus season themes and Uranus activation (see my Taurus New Moon post for more on that). The feelings we access through Scorpio are the deepest--the ones we may have forgotten about. Scorpio is fixed water: the emotions that have frozen, that we cling to. The pain we just don’t want to give up even though it keeps us suffering.
Some of us love to suffer. We’ve grown so accustomed to our pain that we come to like it, on one level--at least it’s familiar--at least it confirms our understanding of the world--at least we have the validation of being right. The thought of giving it up can be terrifying. Not only would it mean visiting its source, but it would mean being in an altogether different way.
Scorpio has grit. And in this moment, we are all offered a taste of that. What we do with it, is up to us. If we dare, we could face the source of our suffering and let a piece of ourselves die that we might reemerge anew. This is Scorpio’s great gift of transformation.
Venus and Uranus are exactly conjunct at the Full Moon, making personal that revolutionary energy I spoke of in my last post. Insight, change, innovation, disruption are brought to bear on our relationships and what we love and value.
So in combination with the Scorpio ability for renewal, here is an opportunity for big change. Is there something about the ways you relate that is due for innovation?
Personally I’ve always had close friends, but have a hard time opening up around new people. I do not like parties, except the kind where I already know everyone. But it’s clear to me the fear I feel around new people keeps me disconnected (another Uranus theme). And seeing that more and more clearly, and understanding why, and being tender with myself, it’s helping me be more open. I’m learning to let myself be seen.
What are you seeing about your relationships?
Taurus reminds us we are worthy. Aren’t most of us harbouring deep down some beliefs about our unworthiness? Those kinds of beliefs are sticky and they hide from us. We have to catch them when the light is just right. Like now.
Find those hiding niggling thoughts of your unworthiness that keep you suffering and stare them down. SEE how your hidden psychology affects your life. And intentionally invite in a different discourse, one that honours your worthiness as a divine soul.