The Earth not only spins on its axis and orbits the Earth, it also slowly wobbles, just like a spinning top wobbles around its axis. This motion is called Precession of the Equinoxes because it causes the apparent shift westward (backwards through the zodiac) of the equinoxes relative to the background stars (by 1 degree every 72 years). (It causes a shift of the Sun relative to the background stars as measured on any day of the year, but the Equinoxes are convenient times to measure this shift).
Mars in Aries is fire. It’s the ignition, the spark. Without direction, without intention, fire is dangerous. But if used wisely, fire is energy that can create and fuel our heart’s desires.
This New Moon is perhaps a momentary break, a little vacation--not from, but in the midst of, all the upheavals and transformations of these times. For some of us, if we are so privileged, this will be a really beautiful moment before what looks to be a long and difficult fall. Knowing that we are likely to face lockdowns again, knowing that the US election is coming (not to mention America’s Pluto return which is only just beginning), knowing that winter is on its way, and that we are in this for the long haul; perhaps the best preparation is to take this time for enjoyment, pleasure, and play, to the extent that we can.
This is why we came here--to work a deep transformation on Earth, in humanity, and in our own hearts and minds.
We are in between the final two eclipses in the Cancer-Capricorn eclipse series that began in early 2019. The solar eclipse in Cancer coincided with the solstice on June 20th, and the Capricorn lunar eclipse is on July 4th. Eclipse season continues until the next lunation on July 20th.
At the moment, Jupiter is conjunct Pluto in the natal chart for America, and Pluto is very close by. America is undergoing its Pluto return (amplified by Jupiter), which only happens once every 248 years, and lasts for several years (it will be ongoing through 2023). This signifies an upwelling of the shadow--namely the racisms and violence on which America was founded, and all the resultant, largely repressed or suppressed or unacknowledged, rage, pain, trauma, grief.
While Eros eventually evolved into Cupid, the cute god responsible for inspiring love and romance, in the earlier mythologies of ancient Greece, Eros was one of the primordial Gods. Alongside Chaos, the original void from which all else emerges; Nix (Night); and Tartarus, (The Abyss); Eros was imagined as one of the original elements responsible for the birth of all else in existence, a non-gendered, procreative force spurring the creativity of the cosmos itself.
Every year, Taurus season in the Northern Hemisphere brings with it the thick blooms of spring, and the sprouts of seeds planted during the initiating season of Aries. We witness--if we are so fortunate--the wealth of nature, Earth’s riches, the blossoming that comes only after the dead of winter. And we are brought back to our senses with this beauty, brought into our bodies, and into the present. We may remember the magic of stillness and silence…. But, of course, it’s not so simple.
Just days after the total solar eclipse in Capricorn on December 24th, a Chinese doctor, Li Wenliang, raised the alarm about multiple mysterious pneumonia cases, the cause of which was unknown. (Eclipses are considered among the most significant astrological events, thought to correspond with significant events, often out of our control, that bring about changes that unfold over months.)
I do find it interesting that what with Coronavirus and the blockades in support of Wet’suwet’en, we are being forced to stop. As Mars moves through Capricorn (February 16th--March 30th), it activates the major themes we’ve been working with for over a year.
Pisces, without Virgo, risks idealism, delusion, and self-sacrifice. So many have been cheated into following gurus, teachers, and cults, that promise salvation but turn out to be frauds. Religions and cults have long abused the energy of Pisces, by convincing us that our critical faculties interfere with our spiritual lives. We ought to trust, have faith, believe, and not question. And then we are ripe for abuse by power hungry, manipulative leaders…
Aquarius, for all its friendliness, can get serious. Too much future-scheming leads to living in the head. Ideas are important, but if we aren’t present, in touch with our senses, and able to experience the pleasures of life, then what’s the point? Leo is the remedy: it reminds us of fun, joy, embodiment, and play.
Aquarius is community oriented. It’s about friendship, connections, networks. Aquarius knows what it means to be excluded and isolated, and also what it means to be connected and appreciated. And it knows that the only way to find true community is to be your own weird and unique self. This month, the opportunity is to move forward in collaboration with others. What can we accomplish through community that we can’t do alone? How can we pool our resources and expertise in order to overcome the challenges we face?