Let’s gather together, loved ones. Let’s honour the darkness within, from where our vision grows, and let’s celebrate the return of the Sun, the lengthening of the days. More and more I feel like community is everything. How will we overcome? There is only one way. Together.
Is it getting louder, brighter, bigger? That’s Sagittarius. What a lift in the mood after Scorpio (even if Mercury and Venus are still there). Don’t get me wrong. I love Scorpio (actually, it’s my favourite). But we all need a break at some point. We’ve been underground for a while, and goddess, the sky is beautiful, now that we’ve come up for air.
Gemini holds the key to resisting dogmatism; its gift for curiosity. Curiosity keeps us engaged and lighthearted even in difficult times and enables opening to new ideas and ways of being. If we can be curious about perspectives other than our own, and about our own patterns and resistances, about what drives people, about how trauma shapes us, and so on, then we will be able to learn and grow from even pain. Curiosity may have killed the cat, but it may just save this horse.
This Scorpio New Moon marks a new beginning in intimacy. As we come more and more into the knowing that we are not separate, we turn toward each other, we turn toward home. We see that our isolation was self-imposed. We accepted shame, that lethal gift, that lie, that holds us apart. And because we accepted it, we can lay it down now.
Now we know. We are intricately, intimately, entangled with every other being in existence, whether we wish it so or not. The universe is an open system. Every move, every breath, every thought, ripples through to infinity.
It’s time to come home. It’s time to come together.
We have a choice: stay stuck in this box, in this system, with all this injustice and inhumanity. In which case, humanity may not make it. Or to break open the box. But what is outside of it? We can’t possibly know. We’ve been held in this box for so long. We hate it in here, but we’re used to it. It’s all we know. So, this is the choice we face: to stick with what we know or to face the unknown, where maybe, just maybe we will find freedom.
We have been told that anger is violence. We have been taught that anger is unbecoming. We have been led to believe that anger is not spiritual. When in reality the guise of false peace that passes for our societies is brutal. “Peace” is the true brutality. Anger is love. Rage is the right response to the realization of our collective history. If you are not angry you are complicit in the oppression and the continuation of the violent structures of old.
As we release the trauma associated with Aquarius, its gifts can be harnessed: Aquarius-Leo asks us not to choose either mind or body; head or heart, but to integrate the two. To keep the logic and refined intellect that humanity has developed, in part as a response to pain, and to merge that with the spontaneous and natural life and love that arise as we inhabit our bodies once again.
There is much energetic assistance as we come face to face with the shadow side of Capricorn within our own lives and the collective. Perhaps we have the resources now to fathom just how deep the controlling nature of the dominant paradigm extends.
Capricorn is the sign of the patriarch, the energy within all of us--regardless of gender--of discipline, focus, protection, structure, infrastructure, organization, governance, ambition, guidance….
Certainly set your New Moon intentions, but this is also a time for accepting that we don’t have control over everything. Life is full of surprises and changes, some that we welcome, some, not so much. We do have control over how we respond to what flows into our lives though.
There is no knowledge without belief: our worldview is what enables us to sift through information and to organize it so that it’s useful. This shows how important our beliefs and assumptions are; they literally make our world.
Expect your plans to change. Expect your direction to change. To work in collaboration with this energy, be flexible. Things are changing quickly. What we could once depend on is no longer stable.